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Artist :: Shedhouse

Kensington, Australia 

Out of the backyard shed just next to the compost heap and only a quick Victa motor from town come Shedhouse. A ramshackle collection of suburban mid-life crisis ridden husbands and fathers, these blokes have just taken the angle grinder, entered the old rusty tin roof Taj Mahal and carved out a couple of CDs, 'Secret Men’s Business' and 'Expressions of Interest' that ain’t real bad. The Shedhouse depth of experience in recording and performance ranges from a bit to very experienced and band members’ tastes vary greatly. The result is a sound rooted in the roots, with strong melodies, soulful playing and a simplicity that is infectious and just a great listen. Described as a cement mixer of influences including country, folk, blues, tex mex, rock-a-billy and even cabaret.. Producer, engineer and band member Andrew McSweeney said, “It started with a couple of mates sitting around my shed playing lines and licks, fuelled by beer and laughter and, next thing you know, we’ve done a couple of CDs that we’re pretty happy with.” Shedhouse are Paul McSweeney, Andrew McSweeney, Peter McGeehan, John McIntyre, Mark Evans, Jonathan Smith and Mick Evans.

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Mark Gardner

2018-04-25 04:18:21
Awesome Rockin' tunes well done guys!! 4/5
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